How to Pick Up Dog Poop

Unsightly, smelly, a breeding medium for germs and disease, and a huge hassle on the sole of a shoe, dog poop is not a desirable feature in any neighborhood, including Mutiara Bukit Jalil. Dog feces plays a significant role in water pollution, especially in cities, and the bacteria that makes its way into streams, lakes and the water table can make people sick. Indeed, a single gram of dog feces can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria that can cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal disorders and kidney problems. Removing dog poop and disposing of it properly is therefore a public health and safety activity, and one in which every dog owner should proudly participate.

Yet, handling dog poop is not the most pleasant of tasks. Here are some ways to minimize the unpleasantness of the task. And if you see someone leaving their dog's mess behind, feel free to educate them on these methods. Have courage and do your bit to ensure that our canine friends can live with us in harmony, and not put the dog poop complainants on high alert!

Be prepared. Whichever method you choose, be prepared by having the right items with you whenever you and your dog are out and about. Have enough cleaning up items for the duration of the outing and your own dog's particular needs.

Protect yourself. If you want extra protection than just the plastic bag or pooper scooper, bring along a disposable latex glove to wear as well, and dispose of it in the trash at the same time as discarding the poop in a bag. You could also bring along cleaning wipes or anti-bacterial handwashing gel as an additional cleaning precaution. If you're not well, pregnant, or immuno-suppressed, taking these extra precautions is probably very sensible.

Plastic bag method

1. Bring several bags with you when you take your dog for a walk.

2. Turn the bag inside out and place it on your hand as if it were a glove.

3. Grab the bottom of the bag with your fingers. Grasp the poop on the ground and pick it up into the bag.

  • On concrete, gingerly lift it directly up from the surface to leave as little behind as possible.
  • On grass, make a claw-like circle with your fingers; get as far under the pile as possible, then lift with care.

4. Be careful removing your hand. Use your other hand to pull the top of the bag over your fist and turn the bag back outside in, retaining the poop inside the bag.

5. Tie the bag shut tightly. Dispose of it in the nearest trash receptacle. Holding your breath until you've picked up the poop and tied a knot in the bag(s) helps a lot.

Pooper scooper method

1. If you can't bring yourself to handle the poop even through a plastic bag, or you cannot bend over for any reason, purchase a commercially made "pooper scooper". These usually consist of a handle on one end of a long arm, with a double-sided shovel on the other end. When looking for a suitable scooper, check that the size is appropriate for your breed of dog.

2. Clean the whole yard using a large pooper scooper. Large pooper scoopers are available for yard cleaning, and these allow you to insert a plastic bag into the scoop end, then proceed around the yard collecting dog poop with a rake or similar tool to push the poop straight into the scoop. At the end, simply tie up the bag and dispose of the whole bag in the trash can, without ever having to touch the dog poop.

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